Below Are Frequently Asked Questions.

Yes, we are committed to offering our customers 100% genuine and original products. We also take necessary actions to ensure this: any seller found to be selling non-genuine products is immediately delisted from Suki. Please click on the following link and fill the form if you think a product listed on our website does not meet these standards.

It is advised that you check what other customers have said about a product before you buy Click here for a guide on how to check the reviews/ratings of a product.

You can start by clicking on the category menu on the left side of the website, then select a category name that you prefer. This will show all the products we have in that category. Alternatively, if you know what you are looking for, just type the name of the product or brand in our search bar at the top of the page and click Search.

There are no hidden costs or charges when you order from Suki. All costs including the shipping cost and total amount of the products purchased are 100% visible at the end of the checkout process.

Suki provides you with a chance to return the product within 7 days after delivery. Past the 7 days, potential issues will be covered directly by the Seller if the product was under warranty. If warranty is offered on a product, a warranty sticker will be displayed on the product or on the right hand side of the page. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Call Center at (+254) 788 557 771 or click on the following link and fill the form.